Urban Alchemist
Brooklyn, New York (Park Slope) (718) 499-0758
Women's jewelry & accessories
⚠️ Urban Alchemist is not currently selling on Shoptiques. Find products from other boutiques in New York.
We pride ourselves in working with small shops accross the world. Each and every product on Shoptiques is sold by a local boutique, and orders are packed with love by them, for you.
We pride ourselves in working with small shops accross the world. Each and every product on Shoptiques is sold by a local boutique, and orders are packed with love by them, for you.
Brooklyn, New York (Park Slope) (718) 499-0758
Run by a cooperative of local designers and artists whose work is exclusive available at the store. Get New York City's best, most creative and most original items from the designers themselves, and stop on in for a friendly chat or a personalized item on a trip in the Big Apple!
⚠️ Urban Alchemist is not currently selling on Shoptiques. Find products from other boutiques in New York.
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