Goldy + Mac
Brooklyn, New York (Brooklyn) (718) 832-4868
Women's Clothing and Accessories
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We pride ourselves in working with small shops accross the world. Each and every product on Shoptiques is sold by a local boutique, and orders are packed with love by them, for you.
We pride ourselves in working with small shops accross the world. Each and every product on Shoptiques is sold by a local boutique, and orders are packed with love by them, for you.
Brooklyn, New York (Brooklyn) (718) 832-4868
GOLDY + MAC... Better known as Ashley Gold and Susan McInerney. Two friends from the neighborhood, Park Slope that is, who have been in desperate search of stylish clothing in the Slope at affordable prices. Prior to opening GOLDY + MAC, they logged hours searching from store to store, including from high end boutiques that burst our pocketbooks to teen trendy stores that most of their friends won’t admit they ever frequent, and were endlessly disappointed. And that’s how Goldy+Mac was born! Your one stop for attractive fashion at affordable prices.
⚠️ Goldy + Mac is not currently selling on Shoptiques. Find products from other boutiques in New York.
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