New York City, New York (New York City) 9178425374
Women's clothing & accessories
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We pride ourselves in working with small shops accross the world. Each and every product on Shoptiques is sold by a local boutique, and orders are packed with love by them, for you.
We pride ourselves in working with small shops accross the world. Each and every product on Shoptiques is sold by a local boutique, and orders are packed with love by them, for you.
New York City, New York (New York City) 9178425374
GARCONNE offers intimate apparel and accessories. Our name is derived from the French word meaning boy, but with a feminine suffix. In many ways, this encompasses the spirit of our pieces. Much of our inspiration is derived from vintage fashions, though rendered in a modern manner. We love the looser, straighter styles of the flapper era and celebrate the natural, unfettered shape of women’s bodies. Our collection highlights the inherent beauty of the body and evoked sensuality and playfulness in each piece.
⚠️ Garconne is not currently selling on Shoptiques. Find products from other boutiques in New York.
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